Below are 5 birthday gift ideas for FPL and fantasy football lovers that won’t break the bank.
1. Fantasy football mugs
FPL mugs are a practical gift that isn’t just an ornament or something to look at. The lucky person receiving an FPL mug will be able to put it to good use while enjoying their favourite berverage.
There are plenty of types of FPL mugs available. You can opt for humerous ones that poke fun at their skill, or on the contrary decide that they deserve to show off their achievements with a trophy-like mug.
2. Fantasy football phone cases
Another practical gift idea is an FPL phone case. What better way to protect your phone while simultaneously showing off your love for FPL?
If the person your buying for has a phone case that has been around a little too long, why not kill two birds with one stone and offer to replace it for them, while also tapping into their love for fantasy football?
3. Fantasy football socks
Socks are always a great gift because who doesn’t need socks?
FPL socks are a great way of gifting someone something they need with an additional touch of thoughtfulness, showing that you were paying attention last time they were ranting about fantasy football.
4. Fantasy football t-shirt
Sticking with the clothing theme for now, an FPL t-shirt is probably the best way a person can express their love of fantasy football.
Probably not the ideal gift for the casual player, the FPL t-shirt should really be reserved for a hardcore fanatic who wants the world to know they are a talented fantasy football player.
5. Fantasy football trophy
If you’re not playing FPL with the person you are buying for, this gift might require a little more digging. If they are a previous champion in their mini-league or looking to be a likely champion, then an FPL trophy could be a well-received gift.
On the contrary, a wooden-spoon or some sort of losers prize could also be a humerous FPL gift, if the receiver is not as talented as they might like to think.
FPL trophies are often customisable so if you can find out the name of the league they have won, you can put it on the trophy to earn extra brownie points!
We hope these ideas have solved some of your issues on what to buy your friend or relative for their birthday this year. Hopefully these gifts will buy you enough time so you can have a real think about what to get them next year without resorting to articles like this for inspiration!