FPL Bench Boost

Do you ever get those players who only ever perform when they’re on your fantasy team’s bench? Well, with the FPL bench boost chip, once a season, you can be relieved of this burden.

Below, we discuss the best time to use your bench boost, whether you can combine it with other chips, troubleshooting why it might not be available, and answer other frequently asked questions.

What is the bench boost in FPL?

Activating the bench boost chip will include the score of your bench players in your overall score for that game week, instead of just the starting 11 players’ scores.

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When is the best time to use my bench boost?

Your bench boost chip can be used at any point in the season whenever you feel you have a strong bench. However, there are a few game weeks in the season where this is more likely.

Double game weeks

Double game weeks are good, like with most chips. If you have players that are playing two matches in one game week, that don’t quite make it into your starting 11, this would be a good time to use it.

Timing the double game week with the wild card and bench boost

It can also be effective to try and time your wildcard with your bench boost. The idea being that you play your wild card two weeks before the double game week, to get as many players in that are playing twice. Then activate your bench boost on the week of the double game week.

If you choose to do this, it’s best make sure you don’t over-invest in your bench. After all, your bench boost will only last for one game week. Your bench will be back to not scoring any points for the rest of the season.

Injury & suspension free

In FPL, the bench can come in handy when your players pick up short term injuries and it’s not convenient to transfer them out for one or two weeks.

However, when using your bench boost, you need to ensure all of the players are injury free and aren’t serving a suspension to get the most out of it.

Favourable fixtures

If it just so happens that everything has aligned and you have 15 favourable fixtures for your players (or you have meticulously planned your whole season for this moment), this is the perfect time to use your bench boost.

Although this seems like a lot of luck, or a lot of planning, this only needs to happen once in the season for you to get an effective bench boost use.

How many times can I use my FPL bench boost?

Once. You can only use the bench boost chip once per season. Although it may not seem like one of the most important chips, a well played bench boost can make your season.

Can you play bench boost and triple captain together?

No, you can only use one chip per week. This is why it’s a good idea to try and plan out which chips you will use a little in advance. It’s always good to consider each chip every time you notice a blank or double game week.

Can you wildcard and bench boost?

No, you can only use one chip per week. A good combination of chips is to wildcard and use the bench boost the week after, to plan a great bench, as mentioned above. But remember you can’t use them both in the same game week.

Why is my bench boost unavailable?

If you’re seeing that your bench boost is unavailable to use, its probably 1 of 2 reasons.

  1. You’ve already used it at a previous point in the season.
  2. You are currently using another chip. You can’t use bench boost at the same time as wildcard, free hit, or triple captain.

Does it matter which players i bench when i use my bench boost?

No. When you use your FPL bench boost, it does not matter which players you have on the pitch and which players you have on the bench. All of them will get points.

The only players you need to make sure are on the pitch are the ones you want to captain and vice captain, as you can’t captain or vice captain a player that is on your bench.

How to activate your FPL bench boost

To activate your bench boost:

How to activate bench boost on mobile

  1. Open the FPL app
  2. Navigate to the ‘pick team’ section
  3. Press ‘play bench boost (top left of the screen)
  4. Click confirm (top right)

How to activate bench boost on PC

  1. Sign into FPL
  2. Navigate to the ‘pick team’ section
  3. Scroll down, then just underneath your team, press the ‘play’ button underneath bench boost
  4. Don’t forget to save your team
How to use the FPL bench boost

How many times can you use FPL bench boost?

Once per season. You can only use your bench boost once per season, just like the other chips, triple captain and free hit. The only exception is wildcard as you get 2 wildcards per season.

FPL Tips

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