Free Hit FPL

Discovering the power of the Free Hit chip in Fantasy Premier League (FPL) can make a big difference for smart managers. This guide will break down the chip, explaining how to use it wisely and offering helpful tips to make your FPL journey smoother.

What is a free hit in FPL?

When you activate the free hit in FPL, you can make as many transfers as you like for one game week, but they get reset next game week. You are then reverted back to your original squad (the one you had before you played the free hit).

FPL Free hit active button

When is the best time to use the free hit in FPL?

Double game week

Like the other chips, it is great to use on a double game week. It can be used to maximise the amount of players playing in twice in a double game week, without having to worry about their upcoming fixtures.

Be careful though. Every chip is popular for double game weeks, so it’s best to choose carefully. There could be situations where a different chip will give you the biggest boost in this window. Be sure to consider all chips on a double game week. They only come a few times a season.

Blank game weeks

A blank game week is when a team doesn’t have a fixture that week. These usually occur when a team has been knocked out of a cup competition early.

You can use your FPL free hit chip here to try and ensure there are no players on your starting 11 that are not playing a game. The chip can help you out if you forgot to plan in advance for the blank game week.

The power of saving your free hit

Don’t use your free hit without thought. It is one of the most powerful chips in FPL and you only get to use it once per season. It’s often smart to save it until later in the season as this is when most of the big double game weeks are.

As fixtures get postponed throughout the season, they all start to get rescheduled in the last few weeks of the season. Therefore, unless you really need it beforehand, make sure you know when the biggest double game weeks are going to be, and try to save it for then.

Free Hit FAQs

Can you use your free hit after making transfers?

Yes. If you’ve made transfers, you can still use your free hit. Even if you decided to take a points penalty to squeeze in some extra transfers, this can be cancelled by playing your free hit chip.

Of course, you will have to take into account your transfers being reverted back in the next week. But, if you changed your mind, this is a get out of jail free card.

Does using the free hit cancel transfers?

Yes, if you use your Free Hit, any transfers you’ve made for that week will be undone. Your team will go back to how it was in the previous week.

How many free hits do you get in FPL?

You get one free hit per season in FPL. Once you activate it, you can not cancel it, so make sure you definitely want to use it before pressing that confirm button.

Can you use your free hit on the same week as using triple captain?

No, you can only use one chip per week. Therefore This is why it’s a good idea to try and plan out which chips you will use a little in advance. It’s always good to consider each chip every time you notice a blank or double game week.

What is the between the wildcard and free hit chips?

The difference between the wildcard and free hit is that a wildcard is permanent whereas your free hit team will reset back to how it was the week before.

Therefore, if you’re using your wildcard, you’ll need to consider planning for the long term. However when using your free hit, you’re going to be making a one-week punt.

Read more: wildcard vs free hit: what’s the difference?

Can you benefit from price changes on your free hit?

You can’t benefit from price changes in your new free hit squad. So if a player drops in price that you transferred out using the chip, you will have still lost value on that player. Your team and budget are reverted back to how they were the week before you played the your it.

Will you lose your rolled transfers if you free hit?

Yes. Your rolled over free transfer will be lost. You will only have one free transfer the week after you use your free hit. Regardless of whether you had two saved up.

How to play free hit in FPL

Now you know what the free hit does and the best time to use it, you might be wondering how to use it.

Follow the instructions below:

  • Open up the FPL app
  • Go to the transfers section
  • Select the transfers you want to make
  • Click next
  • When you get to the “confirm” screen, just before clicking confirm press the “play free hit button”
  • Confirm your transfers

If you forget to play the free hit before you make the transfer, don’t worry, you can still use it. You will be reverted back next week to the team you had in the game week before you activated the it though.

FPL Tips

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