When it comes to dominating in Fantasy Premier League (FPL), understanding how to change your formation is crucial. This guide not only teaches you the steps to modify your FPL formation but also delves into strategic insights to help you make informed decisions. Whether you’re pondering weekly transfers or deciding which players to bench, the right formation can be a game-changer in maximising your FPL points.

How to Change Formation in FPL

Changing your formation in FPL, whether through the app or website, is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Log in: Access your FPL account on the website or app.
  2. Make Substitutions: Select a bench player to move into your starting 11.
  3. Swap Positions: Replace them with a player from a different position (e.g., a midfielder for a defender).
  4. Automatic Adjustment: Your formation will automatically update based on the players you’ve chosen.

Remember, you can make unlimited substitutions and formation changes without penalties. The only limitations apply to excess transfers beyond the allowed number.

Which Formations Can I Use in FPL?

Now that you understand how to change your formation, let’s explore the options available:

  • 3-4-3
  • 3-5-2
  • 4-3-3
  • 4-4-2
  • 4-5-1
  • 5-3-2
  • 5-2-3
  • 5-4-1

Your choice should hinge on your player roster and various strategic considerations.

What is the Best FPL Formation?

Considering all factors, I believe the 3-5-2 formation strikes the best balance, maximising point potential from midfielders and forwards while minimising reliance on defenders.

Read my full review of the best formations for FPL.

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